Naftoserwis (PERN S.A. Capital Group) has obtained the ISO 22301:2019 certificate, which is a confirmation of the implementation and operation in the Company of the requirements of the standard for ensuring the continuity of the organization’s operations. Same joining the group of ambitious entities that have taken up the challenge of implementing this standard, especially in the context of modern threats to this area of operation of any organization.
We glad to remind, that Naftoserwis has the status of a key provider of services for maintaining the continuity of the country’s strategic infrastructure.
The standard specifies requirements for planning, establishment, implementation, operation, monitoring, review, maintenance and continuous improvement of business continuity management system, so that in case of incidents disrupting operations – the Company would be prepared for them in the areas of critical processes performed. Effective management of the risk of disruption of critical processes in the Company gives it readiness to respond and restore business continuity after the occurrence of disruptions.
The Company has an integrated management system standardized in the area of quality management (ISO 9001), occupational health and safety management (ISO 45001), environmental management (ISO 14001). The non-destructive testing laboratory of Naftoserwis also meets the requirements of ISO/IEC 17025 standard concerning the competences of testing laboratories. The laboratory’s authorizations allow us to perform highly specialized work, including work based on methods recognized by supervisory bodies, as well as work of innovative nature for the economy. Standardization in the area of management has same been extended with another standard ISO 22301:2019 (Business Continuity Management Systems). The Company is very aware of the need to build and operate transparent processes for trust in Naftoserwis as a Provider of services essential for the continuity of our country’s critical infrastructure.