Changes in the composition of the Company’s Management Board

On June 26, 2024, the Extraordinary Meeting of Shareholders of the Company was held. As a result, Mr. Jarosław Przekwas was appointed to the position of President of the 8th term of the Management Board of “Naftoserwis” Sp. z o. o. In his over 30-year career, he has held a number of management functions at various levels, and he has built his experience, among others: in large chemical plants (Anwil SA) and refinery plants (ORLEN LIETUVA S.A.) in the area of ​​maintenance services. He is a graduate of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of the Gdańsk University of Technology, specializing in “Energy systems and devices”, and postgraduate studies at the Faculty of Economics of the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń in the field of “Management and organization of enterprises”. He also completed a number of specialist courses, including: in controlling, lean management, project management, coaching.

He started his engineering career at the ANWIL S.A. plant, where he was responsible for the renovation of turbines, compressors and pumps. In 1994, he built the WIRCOM Sp. company from scratch on the basis of the Turbomachinery Plant. z o. o. which operated successfully until 2016, when it was incorporated into the structures of ORLEN SERWIS S.A. The company provided specialized renovation and investment services of machines for large enterprises in many industries (chemical, petrochemical, paper, food, etc.). At that time, as Vice-President of the Management Board, he was responsible for the commercial and economic areas. In the years 2016-2018 he managed EMAS S.A. in Lithuania, which operated ORLEN LIETUVA S.A. installations. in Mažeikiai in the scope of, among others, repairs of industrial automation systems, electrical devices, transmission networks. In the following years, he held managerial positions in the production and commercial areas of other enterprises, and also consulted on some investment projects.

Naftoserwis Sp. z o.o.